11 AM | 20 Jun

Workers want Web 2.0

USA – Speakers at the Enterprise 2.0 conference say the next generation of employees will demand workplace access to blogs, wikis, and social networking sites.

Younger employees – like that new batch of university graduates hitting the market right now – are going to be pushing employers to use Web 2.0 technologies on the job. And if their companies don’t start adopting them, younger workers will most likely just start using them on the sly.

“The upcoming generation is going to have a major impact on business. She will expect to have access to her tools in the workplace,” said Marthin De Beer, a senior VP with Cisco Systems.

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  • admin

    Editor’s note: Hey, I am an old fart and I’d like Web 2.0 at work too! Perhaps the issue is that most people engaged in IT already use and have access to Web2 and their employers aren’t even aware of it. The real issue will be for employers to offer flexibility and self-organised time management schemes. Monitoring probably wouldn’t be an issue if the dinosaurs released most people from the shackles of ‘bum in seat’ mentality and keeping an <@><@> on them :-}}}}}}}

    June 20, 2007 11:58 am