03 PM | 23 Jun

“…Jammer Coat makes you utterly untrackable…” [#geekgirl]

[Image via Fast Company]

[Image via Fast Company]

[Via this Fast Company article] “Vienna-based architectural design firm Coop Himmelblau has come up with a CHBL Jammer Coat that lets you disappear, sort of. Unlike wearable tech like Google Glass, meant to better connect you to the world, the Jammer Coat makes you utterly untrackable.

Created for curator Alessandro Guerriero’s “Abiti da lavoro” exhibit (“work clothes”) the “metallized” fabric blocks radio waves and tracking devices so you can be incognito–minus the giant black-and-white coat. (Caveat: No one can access your credit card info and your mobile devices, but that means neither can you.)”


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