12 PM | 21 Oct

Play with this #Melbourne #Art #Tram using #AR #playablecities #video [#geekgirl]

A short documentary about Troy Innocent, a 2018 Melbourne Art Trams artist.

This artwork makes one of Melbourne’s trams playable—literally. While the geometric imagery is an artwork in itself, an augmented reality app reveals another layer of animation and sound when the passing tram is viewed from the camera of a phone. This plays a musical score generated by the app as it detects fragments of the design.

Playable cities connect people and place, appropriating urban environments and infrastructure—such as the Melbourne tram—through playful takeover, changing and renegotiating its meaning. Playful citizens see their town or city in a new way, feeling a new sense of connection, and sensing new ways it could be.

Also don’t forget to download the app – Accelerando (Ludea) to play with TRAM 96 (ID 5106 ) as part of Melbourne International Games Week (@GamesWeekMelbs ). 20-28 Oct 2018 

Find our more about the Melbourne Art Trams: https://melbfe.st/2LzFTbO


03 PM | 10 Oct

Thea Baumann talks #AR #Nail #Art & #Game #Hacking [#geekgirl]

The Creators Project sat down with Thea Baumann to talk wearable technology, augmented reality, and fashion for the future. Alongside anime, computer games, and cyberpunk, the creative technologist draws inspiration from the post-90s internet generation and the way that new technologies are shaping social consciousness. Baumann explains how learning to reverse engineer computer games and hack digital landscapes led her to create glam-tech company Metaverse Makeovers, whose products include augmented reality nail art, blurring the boundaries of fashion, technology, and identity.

Source: The Creators Project

Twitter: Metaverse Makeovers (@MTVSMKVRS)