07 AM | 03 Jul

When #3D printing meets the Fine Arts

Tomato Paint Soup

“Tomato Paint Soup” via maketank

“It’s clear that there is art in it. If there were no challenge involved in designing for 3D printing, Materialise and the curator would not have had much upon which to judge their contest. 3D printing is not, in any way, about eliminating the artist or his or her hand. By the contrary, especially with desktop printers, a lot of individual personality shows through, even in the simplest of designs, like in the Block Light – designer Stefano Giovacchini says he deliberately works with the marks of the low resolution printer. We at MakeTank emphasize the role of the Maker in every product, for it’s not just the object but the story behind it that is important. The iconic pop art of Andy Warhol will forever be associated with that artist’s name, eccentric character and unique creativity, despite attempts to erase himself from the multiple using technology. Had Warhol had a 3D printer, the result would be the same.” [via maketank]