06 PM | 02 Jul

The Untethered #RoboBee #robots #bees [#geekgirl]

Changes to the Robobee — including an additional pair of wings and improvements to the actuators and transmission ratio — made the vehicle more efficient and allowed the addition of solar cells and an electronics panel. This Robobee is the first to fly without a power cord and is the lightest, untethered vehicle to achieve sustained flight. (Image courtesy of the Harvard Microrobotics Lab/Harvard SEAS) June 2019

Source: Youtube

01 PM | 27 Apr

Human+ the #future of our species #robots #cyborgs #VR #genetics [#geekgirl]


Advances in genetic engineering, biotechnology and nanotechnology that not long ago seemed purely science fiction are now real. Cyborgs, superhumans and clones are alive amongst us today. What does it mean to be human now? What will it feel like to be a human a hundred years from now? Should we continue to embrace modifications to our minds, bodies and daily lives, or are there boundaries we shouldn’t overstep?

HUMAN+ The Future of Our Species, ArtScience Museum’s new cutting-edge exhibition, explores the possible future paths of our species. It asks what it means to be human in a world of artificial intelligence, lifelike robots and genetic modification. It probes the social, ethical and environmental questions raised by using technology to modify ourselves. Will virtual reality be the new reality? What would happen if a robot knew what we wanted before we knew ourselves? How might we modify ourselves to adapt to an environment that we are drastically transforming? Is longevity a noble aspiration or a terrible threat for the planet? In the future, who will have ownership of our genetic information?

Featuring work by Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr, Stelarc, Nina Sellars and many more.  Opens May 20, 2017

Source: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

04 PM | 21 Sep

Introducing #SAY the world’s first #wearable #social #experience [#geekgirl]

The SAY necklace works in conjunction with the SAY necklace APP either on iOS or Android platforms. Although there’s already some videos, gifs or images to chose from, the makers of the SAY necklace want this to be a really interesting experience, so invite you to update your own content and share with your friends. You and they, can discover what is being displayed on your SAY necklace and you can ‘broadcast’ your thoughts and feelings.

Say by Say Wearables is a fashion-forward #wearable device developed in Israel now ready for orders and worldwide distribution. The SAY necklace is connected via bluetooth to social media platforms; allowing you to express yourself, communicate and socialize… Say it, Wear it, Share it!

#Wear your #SAY #necklace and interact directly with #friends, #celebrities and people around you #weartoshare #wearables

Discount offers now available to geekgirl readers and friends


I love my SAY necklace

11 AM | 22 Aug

Dust-sized #wireless #sensors implanted into the Body [#geekgirl]

Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley have created the very first dust-sized wireless sensors (neural dust) that may be implanted within the body. This is bringing technology closer to the day that technologies such as the Fitbit will be able to monitor internal nerves, muscles and organs all in real time.

These devices do not require batteries and may also be able to stimulate nerves and muscles opening up doors for electroceuticals to treat disorders including epilepsy and stimulate the immune system or lower inflammation.

Source: ScienceNews Journal