12 PM | 25 Jun

Call for toons and animations

Festival theme: Toon! Toon! – art cartoons and animated narratives

After the successful launch of CologneOFF – Cologne Online Film Festival and the organisation of the first two editions in 2006 CologneOFF I – Identityscapes, CologneOFF II – Image vs Music

VideoChannel is preparing now edition III of CologneOFF to be launched in October 2007 & to be presented in cooperation with divers festivals in sequence.

—> Toon! Toon! art cartoons and animated narratives

VideoChannel invites artists and directors for submitting animated films/videos telling a story in form of a cartoon or other forms of narratives by using the new digital technologies.


. Deadline: 1 August 2007 . The subject can be chosen freely. . The films/videos may originate from the years 2002-2007. . The duration max. 10 minutes, exceptions possible. . Max 3 films/videos can be submitted. . Productions using language and/or text other than English need English subtitles.

. The preview copy should be made available online for review and/or download as Quicktime . mov, Windows Media .wmv, Flash video .swf or.flv or Real Media .rm minimum size 320×240.

. After selection the artists/directors will be invited to send a hardcopy of the selected video on DVD in best screening quality.

All entry details and the submission form can be found on netEX – networked experience http://www.nmartproject.net/netex/?p=23

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