rosiex aka geekgirl

geekgirl // (say ‘geekgerl) noun Colloquial a female computer geek, especially on the internet [coined by Rosie Cross, born 1958, British internet publisher in Australia, as the title of her online magazine] 1993.

Bibliography: The Macquarie Dictionary Online © Macquarie Dictionary Publishers Pty Ltd.

bubble gum geekgirl

bubble gum geekgirl

Geekgirl Zine: UNESCO Culture Sector 9 Oct 2003 … Geekgirl Zine is an online australian magazine about  women and technology.

  • + Who’s Who Australian Women – Happiness edition 2011 (Co-wrote Introduction)
  • + Who’s Who Australian Women – Hope & Courage edition 2010
  • + Intel Achievement Award for Excellence 2002
  • + geekgirl – Winner ‘The world’s first virtual Karaoke Championships’ Gifu, Japan, ’98
  • + geekgirl – Winner 1997 AFR/Telstra Aus Internet Award for Best Arts & Entertainment Site
  • + 2SER City Express co-winner with Guy Perryman Australian Audio Hi-Fi Award ’93
  • + 1993 – ongoing – Australia’s longest and continuously running online publication!

Proud to boot, and a digital repository for interesting bits of infotainment Slogans “put down that pony and pick up a computer!” & “Grrls Need Modems”.

Education: Bachelor of Communication

Arts Degree (Journalism) from the prestigious Mitchell College of Advanced Education, Bathurst in 1986. From 1989 connected to the ‘net with dial-up modem.


  • + The New National Museum of Australia, Canberra -“Eternity” – launched 2001. This exhibition was mounted by the NMA to showcase the work of geekgirl as 1 of 101 extraordinary Australians
  • + Universal Machine – (Cyberworlds) Powerhouse Museum Sydney Australia, launched June 1999. Showcasing the work of geekgirl as a pioneering online publication & source of empowerment for grrrrls
  • + VSMM’98 – Virtual Society and MultiMedia Conference Held at Softopia, Gifu, Japan – Nov 1998 Sponsored by the Australia Council for the Arts. Presented paper on ‘cyberfeminism’, and also entertained the sponsors by winning the world’s first virtual Karaoke competition.
  • + Pandora Project – National Library of Australia – Archive of Australian websites of National significance, 1998
  • + The work of Art – State Library of NSW Jan – Feb 1996 Australian Women Writers & Artists. Featured exhibition alongside other prominent Australian writers and artists. Presented guest lectures and tours of the geekgirl website in a situ created especially by the Library to showcase the work
  • + Cyberzone Scienceworks Museum, Victoria. A travelling exhibition created especially to demonstrate the visionaries of Australian technology
  • + The New Museum of Contemporary Art New York, NY, Sept 1996. Chosen amongst 30 other world-class websites the New Museum displayed the work of these sites that offered empowerment & choice to young people
  • + Archived by the Andy Warhol Museum Pennsylvania (USA) The curators contacted geekgirl founder RosieX and told her, “if Andy were alive he’d love it!” The Museum now has several issues archived and is a great supporter of the website.



  • + Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus – Masters of Applied Media – Mentor and Coach – new media projects (2009)
  • + Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus — Online and Convergent Journalism. (1st & 2nd semesters, 05)
  • + Guest Lecture Melbourne University Media Studies 2004
  • + 5 Guest lectures at UTS for the Masters in Multimedia Course, 2001
  • + Metro Screen Paddington Tutor HTML workshops -1999
  • + University of Technology Sydney (fashion & design students) 1998
  • + Southern Cross University, Lismore Lecture + workshops 1997
  • + Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, NSW Youth Week workshops 1996
  • + Tutor for the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Campus – inaugural course Network Cultures, 96.

Conferences, Seminars and Professional Associations:

  • + Member of Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance – AJA
  • + National Young Writers Festival, Newcastle 1998
  • + COMDEX – “the world’s biggest computer tradeshow” JAPAN, April, 1998
  • + COMDEX, LAS VEGAS, November, 1997
  • + Melbourne Writers Festival Guest Speaker, 1997
  • + Sydney Writers Festival 2 Sessions, Guest presenter 1996
  • + Employed by AIC conference group as Keynote speaker

Publishing and print work:

  • + Geekgirl greeting cards produced for the InkGroup
  • + Geekgirl magazine 1994-1996 (in hiatus)

geekgirl greeting cards


Recovery TV, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Internet Australasia, HQ, Rolling Stone, Wired, Wired (UK), The Net Magazine (USA), George (USA), Folio (USA), The Message (UK), Australian Personal Computers, Internet.Au, Mac User, Cosmopolitan, Information Age, Upfront, Communications Update, Australian NET guide, Vertigirl, Business Class, The Courier Mail, Australian MultiMedia Magazine, Get Into Computers, plus several Japanese and overseas journals, including – Studio Voice, & Interactiv (France), Fugazzie (Italy).

Freelance writing:

  • + Founder, Editor & Publisher of geekgirl(r) 1993-ongoing
  • + New Matilda online
  • + Internet.AU commissioned work 2004
  • + Newton Science Magazine 2001
  • + Eworld – feature writer convergent technologies. April – June 2000
  • + Mycareer – Women and IT – Online editor and moderator March 2000
  • + Internet & website review column for Vive Ansett Inflight magazine 1997-99
  • + Wired Travel 1998
  • + The Mag (formerly JMAG) Ms.Information, Internet Column 1997
  • + Syte (The Australian) 1997
  • + Icon (Sydney Morning Herald) 1997
  • + 21c – 1995-97 articles & interviews with Ted Nelson (hypertext guru), St. Jude, Dr. Sadie Plant, Kathy Acker and Noam Chomsky
  • + Wired magazine – St. Jude, Feb 1995 “grrrls need modems”
  • + Hyper Magazine – “Tales from the Crypt” (cryptography) 1995
  • + The Friendly Grrls Guide to the Net, was available in hard and soft copies.

Featured story or contributor:

Fantasies of Fetishism: From Decadence to the Post-Human – Amanda Fernbach, Pink OG Power (Copenhagen), New York Library Feminist Press – NY, Processed Lives (Gender and Technology in Everyday Life) – Jennifer Terry & Melodie Calvert, Weird Wild Web – Charlotte Harper, Dick for a Day – Fiona Giles (editor), Nattering on the Net – Dale Spender, Net Chick by Carla Sinclair, Hypervoices and Net Travellers ’96 (Japan), How to Mutate and take over the World – R.U. Sirius and St.Jude, DIY Feminism – Kathy Bail, Postcards from the Net – Jon Casimir, Australia the Clever Country – David Harrington, Wild Web Rides – Yahoo, The Internet Directory, Vol 2 – Eric Braun, The Riotgrrl Guide to Designing Webzines – Nikki Douglas, The Transit Lounge – 21C, Suffragettes to She-Devils – Liz McQuiston, Girls’ Talk – edited by Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Jamming the Media – Gareth Branwyn.


  • + On-air radio presenter 87 – 2004 various radio stations
  • + ABC – Radio National, Documentaries produced from 1993 – 1995: Going Off, Tales from the Crypt:, Hyperland, Surfing the Internet, Paradigm Shift & The Electronic Salon
  • + Living for the City, Researcher – a 13 week Triple J documentary, 1991
  • + Triple J presenter graveyard shifts
  • + Founder “Move-on UP” Sydney’s first Dance station – Skid Row radio, 1984
  • + 2SER City Express late 1980s
  • + Voice over artist for several radio docs, animations and experimental projects.

Community/Volunteer Groups:

  • + GO GIRL GO FOR IT 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011…
  • + Wildlife Victoria Bushfire Volunteer: Animal Rescuer and Transporter, 2009 cont…
  • + Volunteer web work Multicultural Arts Victoria
  • + CERES Animal Farm Weekend coordinator
  • + Oxfam website volunteer tsunami relief
  • + Rushall Organic Gardens, North Fitzroy Community Garden project
  • + IMC Open Publishing a grassroots network of Independent journalists.

Previous funds and sponsorships:

  • + ANAT – Australian Network for Arts & Technology
  • + Australia Council for the Arts
  • + Australian Film Commission
  • + AusTrade
Note: This bio does not include work history per se :D.

As worn by Noodleboy. (RIP you best bitchin’ froodle in the world)…