07 PM | 31 Jul

MELBOURNE ii : art after dark

MELBOURNE ii in collaboration with cellists Emily Williams and Francesca Mountfort

ii have a series of shows throughout August at Melbourne’s National Gallery of Victoria. The shows will take place each Wednesday throughout the month, from 8-9pm; though music will be constant from 5-9pm.

Max credibility, gallery style. But these performances are different in another way: rather than the usual guitar-guitar-synth-drumset configuration, ii have completely rebuilt themselves for this series, using two computers, a modular synthesiser, sampler and an array of effects. The result will be very different to previous outings for the pair. Additionally, ii are performing in collaboration with cellists Emily Williams and Francesca Mountfort. Together, the four have composed an hour-long suite of new music.

Also playing throughout the series are vocal duo Soteria Bell, best known for their ARIA Award-winning music for the Australian film Jindabyne. They’ll play from 7-8pm, and Emily Williams will play solo cello from 5-7pm.

Entry is free. NGV International is located at 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. These performances are part of the Art After Dark series… food and wine is available, and the gallery’s much-anticipated Guggenheim exhibition will be open late each Wednesday, too.

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