07 PM | 31 Jul

MELBOURNE ii : art after dark

MELBOURNE ii in collaboration with cellists Emily Williams and Francesca Mountfort

ii have a series of shows throughout August at Melbourne’s National Gallery of Victoria. The shows will take place each Wednesday throughout the month, from 8-9pm; though music will be constant from 5-9pm.

Max credibility, gallery style. But these performances are different in another way: rather than the usual guitar-guitar-synth-drumset configuration, ii have completely rebuilt themselves for this series, using two computers, a modular synthesiser, sampler and an array of effects. The result will be very different to previous outings for the pair. Additionally, ii are performing in collaboration with cellists Emily Williams and Francesca Mountfort. Together, the four have composed an hour-long suite of new music.

Also playing throughout the series are vocal duo Soteria Bell, best known for their ARIA Award-winning music for the Australian film Jindabyne. They’ll play from 7-8pm, and Emily Williams will play solo cello from 5-7pm.

Entry is free. NGV International is located at 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. These performances are part of the Art After Dark series… food and wine is available, and the gallery’s much-anticipated Guggenheim exhibition will be open late each Wednesday, too.

Get an ii ringtone care of Feral Media here and be really ahead of the curve.

03 PM | 28 Jul

Red vs. Red

WHAT: Face-off

WHEN: Opening Wednesday August 1, 6pm Thur August 2-18  (Thur-Sat 11-5)

WHERE: DON’T LOOK Experimental New Media Gallery 419 New Canterbury Rd (Near Marrickville Rd), Dulwich Hill Sydney, NSW

WHO: Red vs. Red

CONTACT: Greg Shapley – Ph: 0401 152 434 EMAIL: dontlookgallery@gmail.com WEB: myspace.com/dontlookgallery

FACE-OFF By Red vs. Red

We are all lepers….

As the leper was separated through material and social means, so are we through the performance of new media.  We lose parts of our body through these interfaces.  Communication is facilitated but it is also distorted, disrupted and finally, thwarted. The daily interaction through screens means that we communicate with each other, yet remain separate, invisible and masked.

Through the use of video projections, duct-tape and performance Red vs. Red will explore the idea of virtual dislocation. Invoking a primitivist physicality they will go through the very real process of wrapping themselves together with duct tape. The audience will be cut off from this sensory experience shared by the performers by the digital paraphernalia that, paradoxically, allows them to eventually experience it.

Roland Barthes referred to the process of taking a photo as a type of death – the moment frozen in the mausoleum that is the medium – fossilised for eternity, the point of immortalisation also signifying a loss of mortality. If this is so, then the vast array of digital media whizzing round the globe is an incessant slaughterhouse, turning every previous moment into an array of fine cuts for easy consumption.

Face-off uses digital media to critique its shortcomings. These ‘fine cuts’ will be on display along with other fossilised remnants of the ritual (including the duct tape ‘shell’ and life size photos). By presenting the ‘dead’ performance to a ‘live’ audience, this work will also explore the oppositional aspects of contemporary communication, of ‘my body versus your body’.

03 PM | 28 Jul

A ritual of rock, runes and magick

What do Aleister Crowley and Led Zeppelin have in common? What happens when you point a theremin at the street?

Rock music was designed to be transported, captured in the dark matter of vinyl and brought back to life through the rediffusion of hi fidelity. The stylus is to the turntable what the wand is to the magus. Jimmy Page channelled the airwaves with the theremin, the electronic conductor of the spectral. His violin bow is the anachronous coupling of spiritualism and cock rock, a relic from a different age, the sword that invoked the Egyptian god Anubis, the black dog, the despoiler, messenger from the afterlife.

ZOSO is not a work about transformation. It is transformative. The visitor will not be the same when they leave the gallery. They will think differently about vinyl and teak wood finish. They will never take a Persian rug for granted again. They will be able to identify the sound of a Moog synthesizer. And they will never forget that there is no such thing as silence and that words have two meanings. Words, symbols and images will resonate anew. The world, in other words, will be transformed to the power of 666.

A ritual of rock, runes and magick Project Space, RMIT, Melbourne ExhibitLocation:Project Space, Cardigan Street, Carlton, Melbourne Monday, October 29, 2007 at 5:00pm Friday, November 16, 2007 at 5:00pm

02 PM | 28 Jul

Red Hat Graphics Course

Red Hat are going to run a 1.5 day course on open source graphic design with InkScape. Open source graphic design: Inkscape, Scribus & Gimp Instructor:  Andy Fitzsimon of Red Hat 1/2 day   Introduction;  August 8;    $200  (or $50 for student / not-for-profit)

This hands-on class will introduce participants to the fundamentals of graphic design and illustration using Inkscape, which is a powerful Open Source vector editing program comparable to Adobe Illustrator, freehand and Corel Draw. Participants will create photo realistic vector renderings and learn about how to best manage design considerations for icons and logos.

1 day Master class; August 9; $700 (or $200 for student / not-for-profit)

In this master class, participants will explore the depths of Open Source graphic design.  In particular they will learn:

* How to implement powerful graphic workflow solutions using XML and SVG.

* Deal with designing for translations and other dynamic data.

* Creating colour managed PDF’s with spot and registration colours.

* Web optimisations including compression and advanced stylesheet techniques.

About the lecturer

Red Hat’s Andrew Fitzsimon is an Inkscape developer, participant in Scribus development and most notably a passionate open source graphics user.

Following A background in animation, Andrew is currently involved in technical Illustration, desktop, web, and publishing design for print.

Speaking history:

Andrew has presented technical talks about free graphics software at Australia’s linux.conf.au for the past two years as well as the Libre Graphics Meeting held in Montreal, Canada and Lyon, France the year before that.

Location.  The courses will be run in Melbourne.

For more information or to register, please contact Paul Took <ptook@redhat.com>

02 PM | 28 Jul

School of Two

On the hot heels of releasing and performing with Pretty Boy Crossover and Mist & Sea, the ubiquitous Jason unleashes a new electro-pop act, School of Two, in Melbourne…

On WEDS AUGUST 1 – MELBOURNE @ The Toff – the Melbourne launch of the POWWOW new music series on Feral Media.

Bands: SCHOOL OF TWO (Adel/Melb), BARRAGE (Melb) & THE EMERGENCY (Melb)

Where: The Toff In Town, Level 2, 252 Swanston St, Melbourne Date: Weds 1 August. Cost: $10 Time: Doors open at 8pm.

What: Launching POWWOW One: School Of Two – 8 song CD. Also available new Barrage ‘2’ 7 inch vinyl single.

School of Two is the duo of Jason Sweeney and Harry Whizkid – they write catchy, edgy, queer and melancho-lectronica pop music using a combination of electricity, acoustic sounds, singing and samples.

School of Two will be performing tracks from the first in the Powwow CD series. Barrage will be playing cuts from his first new recordings in two years, the 7 inch single ‘2’, featuring the radio track ‘only, only’. This is also the first vinyl record from Feral Media, surely a reason to party! A barrage live show does not disappoint. The Emergency have recently released a 7 inch too. ‘Spending Time / Switch Me’ is available via Metal postcard.

POWWOW is an innovative series of ten releases that will bring outstanding original music to light, over the course of twelve months from July 2007. It has been created to produce and promote quality independent music that would otherwise not be heard widely. POWWOW will give quality left-field music a focus and an outlet, and it will build a unique musical identity from its diverse range of bands and artists. POWWOW will also give talented musicians a platform for their work and, as it evolves, POWWOW will become a strong, creative statement; a unit much greater than the sum of its parts. http://www.feralmedia.com.au/powwow/ http://www.schooloftwo.com