06 PM | 19 Jul

He’s Kind of Dark

Goth-darling Banks Violette is back in New York with a slew of new pieces, which can be seen through August 17th at both Gladstone Gallery in Chelsea and Team Gallery in Soho. This collaborative exhibition will debut large scale installations of steel, salt, fabric and light, and is a continuation of his pairing with Stephen O’Malley of the drone metal band, Sunn O))). A soundtrack will accompany Violette’s new ghostly minimalist works, leaving viewers to contemplate the blurring between fantasy and reality; in other words, this is definitely an artist whose work you need to see in person!

06 PM | 19 Jul

Microsoft resorts to fowl tricks

Microsoft, long stuck in third place behind Google and Yahoo in the search wars, suddenly boosted its share of the market last month by playing a shrewd game of chicken.

Microsoft’s search share climbed to 13.2 per cent in June, a whopping gain of nearly 3 percentage points over the prior month, according to research group comScore data.

The company’s improvement came at the expense of Google and Yahoo, which both saw share decline more than 1 per cent.

But it wasn’t the quality of Microsoft’s search results that encouraged people to type over 300 million more queries into Microsoft search boxes in June.

It was Chicktionary. More?

06 PM | 19 Jul




The Portable Film Festival has teamed with the world’s leading student and youth travel company, STA Travel, to offer the winner of the ‘First Hand Capture’ category a Round the World airline ticket worth over $3000. Entering the competition is simple – just submit something you’ve filmed on your travels (mobile phone captures are fine) and hope for the best. From living it up in LA, overdosing on New York’s art, partying hard in London and checking out Asia’s mystical magic, you could be visiting the most exciting cities in the world all in the same trip!

Show us a secret location, amazing site or personal space in your town or life that you have captured first-hand. Show us the unexpected, unexplained and unbelievable and, more importantly, the unique. Capture it. The winner will also get the chance to visit Current TV in LA. Current is about what’s going on: stories from the real world, told by you. Meet producers and gain industry insight in a truly independent media organization. Current gets users to make ‘pods’ for their website which you can vote for to see it broadcast on US TV. Check out http://www.currenttv.com

To enter go to:


06 PM | 19 Jul



Top international and Australian film financiers will face off in ‘Open Sessions’ at MIFF’s (Melbourne International Film Festival) 37 South: Bridging the Gap. The FREE Open Sessions program gives you the opportunity to witness discussions by key decision makers on the state of Australian cinema. 37 South is the first film festival forum of its kind to ever run in Australia and will be attended by some of the most influential industry figures from across the globe.

The 37 South’s Open Sessions are an exciting, rare opportunity that shouldn’t be missed:

THURSDAY 26 JULY Forum Theatre, 4.00 – 5.30pm “What’s what in the global film market – and Australia’s place in it” How do Australian films, scripts, producers and funding arrangements stack-up against the rest of the world? And what is it that the sales agents want from an Australian film?

Moderator: Sue Murray (Dr Plonk, Ten Canoes, Alexandra’s Project) Speakers: Iain Canning, Becker International; Kathleen Drumm, NZ Film; Beatrice Neumann, ContentFilm International; Ashley Luke, Fortissimo Films; Richard Guardian, Lightning Entertainment; Kirk D’Amico, Myriad Pictures.

FRIDAY 27 JULY ACMI Cinema 1, 2.30 – 4.00pm “Mind the Gap Financing and the new Oz rebates” Get the lowdown on how financiers feel about the changes in the Australian industry right now, how to cashflow the new incentives, and what sort of films recoup – and with what talent?

Moderator: Greg Sitch (Crackerjack, Boytown, Macbeth) Speakers: Tait Brady, Film Finance Corporation; Paul O’Kane, Pacific Film and Television Commission; Jennie Hughes, International Film Group; Simone Govic, A3 Crosby Fund; Matthew Street, Omnilab Group; Catherine Waters, Australian Film Commission; Ros Tatarka, Film Victoria.

Forum Theatre, 4.15 – 5.45pm “End Users – What they want and how they want it?” What are they looking for? Who is looking for it? What competition does Australia face? Are Australian films good releases overseas? Get the answers to questions you were too afraid to ask!

Moderator: Mark Woods (The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Breakfast on Pluto) Speakers: Ellen Pittleman, Paramount Pictures; Jane Smith, Seed; Joel Pearlman, Roadshow; Gail Gendler, Sundance Channel; Rachel Connors, Slingshot Distribution; Jude Troy, Hopscotch; Alan Finney, Buena Vista International. SATURDAY 28 JULY Forum Theatre, 9.00 – 10.30am “New Kids on the Block – Australian distributors” New Australian independent distributors have mushroomed in the last decade. Does Australian content work for them? What are they looking for? What sort of commitments do they make? When and how should producers approach them?

Moderator: Liz Watts (The Home Song Stories, Little Fish, Walking on Water). Speakers: Paul Wiegard, Madman Entertainment; Simon P Killen, Aztec International; Eric Cherry, Siren Visual Entertainment; John Davies, Arkles Entertainment; Sherard Kingston, All Interactive Media; Annette Smith, Kojo Pictures.