06 PM | 19 Jul



In 1994 OPEN CHANNEL, in association with the Film & Television Institute and SBS, began work on the ground-breaking series, Video Diaries.

In 2004 OPEN CHANNEL, in association with Telstra and the Australian Film Commission (AFC), produced the innovative Mobile Movies series resulting in ten 30-second shorts for the trial 3G network.

In 2007 and 2008 OPEN CHANNEL, in association with Digital Harbour and the Australian Film Television & Radio School (AFTRS), combines its foray into community story-telling and portable movies in a new project for a new community, Talking Docklands.

FRAMED #06 provides an overview of Talking Docklands, a mobile-movies series, and a snapshot history of video storytelling with OPEN CHANNEL’s Andrew Garton and Balinese filmmaker and artist, Tintin Wulia.

When: Thursday July 26, 12.30 – 1.30pm Where: Digital Harbour Theatrette, The Innovation Building, 1010 Latrobe St, Docklands Cost: Free

Bookings http://openchannel.org.au/framed/06.html

06 PM | 19 Jul



It’s time again for our ever-popular OPEN CHANNEL Short & Sharp Pitching Competition… with a difference! In 2007 OPEN CHANNEL is proud to partner with the inaugural Human Rights Arts & Film Festival (HRAFF) in presenting Short & Sharp. This year, participants are asked to submit pitching proposals within the Festival’s themes of Freedom of Expression, Right to Livelihood, Right to Life, Liberty and Security, and Human Rights in Australia. The winning participant will receive funding to complete their film project within a three-month period for screening at the HRAFF, RMIT Capitol Theatre, Melbourne 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2007.

The project must be no more than 10 minutes in length and can be a short film of any genre (comedy, drama, documentary, experimental). The pitch can be presented by one or more people but must be no more than 5 minutes long.

As a ‘pitcher’, you will be one of seven lucky contestants as part of the Short & Sharp Pitching Competition Event on Wednesday 22 August, at Cinema Nova. Short & Sharp is your opportunity to hone the spiel and discover what it takes to sell an idea before a judging panel and live audience!

Entrants must be current OPEN CHANNEL members, or join with entry.

For more information and Download the Conditions of Entry and Entry Form at:


06 PM | 19 Jul

SoundLab final call

1. soundobjects for curated SoundLAB exhibition deadline 31 July 2007 http://netex.nmartproject.net/?p=112

2. soundart for SoundLAB Edition V http://www.nmartproject.net/netex/?p=24 deadline 1 August 2007 —————————————————

1. soundobjects for curated SoundLAB exhibition deadline 31 July 2007 ————————————————— in April 2008, SoundLAB will be exhibited in the framework of a digital art festival in Valencia/Spain including a number of selected physical soundobjects.

SoundLAB is looking for proposals of individual soundobjects or smaller installations for being included in this 4 weeks lasting show.

Specifications and entry form are available on http://netex.nmartproject.net/?p=112 ———————————————

06 PM | 17 Jul

MAAP – Mentor Program

MAAP – Multimedia Art Asia Pacific is calling for applications from young and emerging media art curators and practitioners working with a focus on projects that intersect or consider connections with the Asia Pacific regions to undertake a three-month mentorship.

The mentorship enables an emerging artist or curator to explore new creative directions, to expand technical skills and increase knowledge of networks, debates and business practice. Applicants are invited to select a mentor and develop a program of activity spanning a three-month period. The mentor may be accessed locally, nationally or internationally. If required MAAP can provide contact details of suitable mentors who are willing to participate in the program.

Applicants must be Australian media art practitioners or curators who are 30 years or under. The mentorship will provide a fee for the mentee ($7,200 excl GST) and a fee for the mentor ($1,800 excl GST). The mentorship program should be completed by February 2008.

Other Australian Media Arts organsiations ANAT, d.lux and Experimenta are also offering mentorships: + ANAT will encompass distributed, portable, online, wearable, gaming, mobile and emerging platforms, contact Gavin Artz manager@anat.org.au + d.lux will hold their mentorship inside Second Life or a similar online virtual community, contact malcolm@dlux.org.au for more information + Experimenta’s focus is on Site Related and/or Public Work, contact kentia@expeirmenta.org for more information.

MAAP APPLICATIONS CLOSE Friday 17 AUGUST 2007 For further information, guidelines and an applications form please contact:

Kim Machan, director kim@maap.org.au MAAP-Multimedia Art Asia Pacific

06 PM | 17 Jul

Mick Harvey – a bad seed?

Once a Bad Seed…

If you’re a music lover, then you need to know rock’s ultimate wingman, Mick Harvey. As a member of Australian post-punk rock group, The Birthday Party, Mick Harvey claimed a spot in music history. His long and distinguished career has included stints as an accomplished arranger and film composer, as well as producer, multi-instrumentalist and singer. And then there’s the small fact that he’s been working together with rock ‘n roll god, Nick Cave, from the start. In other words, he’s a pretty big deal.

Mick’s highly-anticipated fourth solo album, Two of Diamonds, is an eclectic collection of songs that he has interpreted in his own distinct and emotive style—some are his own, while others cover distinguished songwriters, like PJ Harvey (who he collaborated with on her album, Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea).

RANDOM TANGENT: Nick Cave was once romantically linked to PJ Harvey. Wonder who introduced them…