10 AM | 07 Jul

Web 2.0 Art site

ShaVis.com, the visual’s newsnet, a web 2.0 net place where the news about visual arts and crafts become common heritage. If you are a curator, a gallery owner, an artist – or simply an art/design/photography lover – you can become part of our partner’s network, and therefore collaborate with ShaVis.com


10 AM | 07 Jul

Women’s Mental Health

The 3rd International Congress on Women’s Mental Health will be held from March 16th – 20th 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. Building on the success of the two previous Congresses, held in Berlin (2000) and Washington (2004), this multidisciplinary Congress is expected to attract in excess of 1000 women and men in the mental health profession, as well as those who’s lives have been touched by women’s mental health issues. Under the auspices of the International Association for Women’s Mental Health and hosted by the Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, the Congress will present an innovative and stimulating program, as well as a chance to network and socialise with others in your field.

I warmly invite and encourage you to contribute to this important congress by submitting a paper or symposium for presentation. Please visit the website to submit by 31 July 2007 at www.iawmhcongress2008.com.au

10 AM | 07 Jul

Sicko opens MIFF

The Melbourne International Film Festival is the biggest in Australia, and this year will be no exception. Opening on the 25th of July with the Australian premiere of controversial documentary filmmaker Michael Moore’s latest Sicko, there are 19 days of titillating screenings guaranteed to keep you coming back for more. Richard Moore takes the helm for his first festival, and program snippets include this year’s Palm d’Or winner 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Hours, as well as the world premiere of the first film completed through the Tropfest Feature Program, September (working title) by Peter Carstairs. There promises to be a huge lineup of Australian film to keep you busy, so Melbourne residents look out for your copy of the full program in The Age on the 13th of July, when you will also be able to find it online. Festival passes and tickets to opening and closing night are now on sale through their website www.melbournefilmfestival.com.au, and individual tickets will go on sale on the 13th of July as well.

Make sure you don’t miss out on your chance to attend the 56th incarnation of this fabulous festival!

09 AM | 07 Jul

Etsy is 4handmade

I sometimes post the artwork of Nicholas Beckett. I don’t know who he is but his art is cute and he’s always coming up with new fun and not very self conscious creations. So a big fan of his sent me this link. Etsy seems to be an online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade. So if you want to find an alternate to eBay as an art seller/buyer; check it out, maybe?

Mwah, gg 🙂
