01 AM | 30 May

Artificial Reality and Telexistence

17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence Supported by ArtAbilitation 2007 November 28-30, 2007 Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark

ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and Telexistence. State of the art innovations in the technology are presented alongside novel ways to transfer and express information. Artistic and societal works are also presented via panels, demos and workshops. Researchers are invited to submit papers on novel theories, methods, applications and practices related to Artificial- Augmented- Mixed- Virtual- Realities and Telexistence. Suggested topics are listed over.

Denmark, Esbjerg city and region are delighted to be the host for the 17th ICAT International Conference which in its history has never been outside of Asia/Pacific.

Esbjerg was named as Danish city of the year 2006. The country’s 5th largest city is situated on the beautiful South West Coast of the Jutland peninsula in the middle of the country’s loveliest holiday area on the shores of the North Sea and surrounded by woodlands and parklands. The city is recognized as the GATEWAY TO SCANDINAVIA and is known as an educational Mecca with 11 institutes of higher education. Numerous museums and galleries present international and national works. The local architecture is wondrous -from faithfully restored Viking sites that illustrate the country’s cultural history -to the ultramodern Performing Arts Centre, Musikhuset which was designed by Utzon (architect of the Sydney Opera House, Australia). Legendary seafaring stories can be accessed by visiting the local fisheries museum where visitors can also have ‘close encounters’ with all form of sea life. Excellent opportunities abound in shopping via Denmark’s longest pedestrian street.

Esbjerg is also the ideal starting point for visits to LEGO or the home of the fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen.

The Mayor & the people of Esbjerg look forward to welcoming you to the city.

For further information on ICAT 2007 or ArtAbilitation: info@icat2007.org Anja Hergesell

Call for Papers: – see also www. icat2007.org – Deadline July 1st 2007

09 PM | 29 May

AFROBEATS at Uber Lingua

… St Jeromes May 31st

After featuring Chief Boima from San Francisco, doing the Melbourne Funk Ball 3, presenting Japanese rappers Makkenz and Potato Master, hosting assorted Brisbanians, being involved in 5 events at last weekend’s Emerging Writers Festival including our brand new Ya Lingo multi-lingual MC Cipher concept… this Thursday is the final instalment in what has been one of the busiest months in Uber Lingua’s Melbourne history….

Earlier in the year we were invited to play at the last ever Melbourne Afrobeats festival, and have reciprocated the favour by inviting the crew who present that fest down to St Jeromes for a one off Afrobeats party!


Those guys are the Ujahmaa Soundsystem

Showcasing a tapestry of poetic ghetto gospel spiced with contemporary urban rhythms from indigenous cultures of the developing world, Ujahmaa Soundsystem are fronted by a collective of deejays and emcees, from Kenya, Cuba, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, New Zealand and local homegrown talent toasting big tunes from afrobeats, hip hop, reggae, kwaito, r&b, dancehall, psychedelic funk, soul, salsa, reggaeton, roots music with an urban ghetto feel.

Soon settling in a new arts bar and lounge in the heart of the city (Red Violin) and launching their own independent record label, Ujahmaa Soundsystem’s clash with Uber Lingua at St. Jeromes offers you a rare opportunity to experience and sample their musical spirit.

Featured suspects at this week’s gig at St Jeromes, deejays Flavio ex-Cuba (no cigars! Just good music), Ras Kauzi (Uganda), Bongo (Kenya), wicked emcee Presye RifRaf (Zimbabwe) clashing against Uber Lingua’s finest.

From Uber Lingua will be DJs Ume & Mr Fish (both Afrobeat specialists), bP and more including some surprise MCs… the turnover of DJs will be pretty quick with lotsa back to back action…

when: Thursday May 31st 6pm-1am where: St Jeromes 7 Caledonian Lane Melb CBD how much: $0 http://www.uberlingua.com/melb

07 PM | 29 May

Subjects – wanted

The Effects of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) on electrical brain activity.

The Centre for Intelligent Systems and Complex Process (CISCP) along with the Brain Sciences Institute (BSI) are seeking healthy male participants for research focusing on the effects of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) on electrical brain activity.

Participants who pass inclusion criteria will be asked to participate in a single testing session at the Brain Sciences Institute, where they will be administered variable concentrations of nitrous oxide/oxygen gas mixture. During the inhalation of the gas mixture participants will have their electrical brain activity recorded using electroencephalography (EEG), a non-invasive method which records electrical brain activity from the scalp via a standard cap.

Inclusion Criteria: Between the ages of 20-40 years Male Non-smoker Satisfactory general health No history of psychiatric/mental illness (including epilepsy) No history of medical sleep apnoea (snoring) No history of adverse reaction to Nitrous Oxide No history of regular analgesia or sedation treatments

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): N2O is a colourless gas with a sweet odour and taste. Participants will be administered varying concentrations of N2O, higher concentrations of which may induce nausea or emesis (vomiting) in some cases. N2O has been used as an analgesic and mild anaesthetic in medicine for over 150 years. In more recent times N2O is used as an analgesic in dentistry and  paediatrics.

The popularity of N2O in both sedation and analgesia is testament to the efficacy and safety of this gas.

Please contact Brett Foster for more information: Ph: 9214-5543(w); 0407413583(m) email: bfoster@swin.edu.au

02 AM | 29 May

Audio Visual Laptop Art

  • FWD: WANTED Audio Visual Laptop Artists

We’re in need of clued up, dynamic, visually conceptual and smart laptop masterminds to join forces with a set of neo tech-heads. Our aim is to further develop an organic and vibrant movement of thinkers and doers, with the support of individual’s who are inspired and passionate about their art form. Coming in June 2007 is a weekly audiovisual get together, where visual artists will get paid to play…

To become part of this AV movement we need from you a 15min visual demo (DVD) or link to a site with your fine work. Please keep to the 15min timeline, as longer examples of work will not be reviewed. Preferential treatment will be given to geeks, nerds and avant-garde laptop masterminds. All works will be treated with the utmost of confidentiality and all copyright elements adhered to.

Please send DVD demos to the address below or for further information please contact Bee on: Bee music:art:people Suite 127 / 278 Church Street Richmond, VIC 3121 bee@musicartpeople.com

02 AM | 29 May

Soundart – calls

Call: soundart for SoundLAB – Edition V Theme: soundSTORY deadline 1 August 2007 ————————————— SoundLAB – sonic art project environments http://soundlab.newmediafest.org is currently preparing its fifth edition looking for new soundart works.

In 2004, SoundLAB was launched as a corporate part of the global networking project [R][R][F]200x—>XP – http://rrf200x.newmediafest.org on occasion of BEAP – Electronic Art Festival Perth/Australia 2004, but started soon also individually acting as an environment for sonic art.

Edition IV was launched in October 2006 under the title “memoryscapes” incorporating 144 artists and 235 soundart pieces dealing with “memory and identity” in most different ways, and it became corporate part of the media art show ://selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem – a show for Peace http://self.engad.org. – which is currently running at MACRO – Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Rosario/Argentina http://www.marcromuseo.org.ar . Edition V stands under the theme: –> “soundSTORY” exploring “sound” as a tool for storytelling. Therefore besides the soundart piece itself, the story this piece is telling has a particular relevance.

SoundLAB is inviting soundartists, musicians and composers to submit such a soundart narrative.

Please find all entry details and the submission form on http://www.nmartproject.net/netex/?p=24