12 PM | 24 Dec

Psycho: 50th anniversary of this suspense masterpiece, film screaming with live score Syd Opera House Jan 5, 2010

Have you ever truly forgotten that shower scene from Hitchcock’s Psycho? The 50th anniversary of this suspense masterpiece will be celebrated at a special screening at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on January 5, 2010. Hitchcock’s Psycho as never before for one night only, as Bernard Herrmann’s score is performed live by the Sydney Lyric Orchestra.

Bernard Herrmann’s spine-tingling score will be brought to life when for the first time ever in Australia Psycho will be digitally projected onto the big screen in the Sydney Opera House’s Concert Hall accompanied by a specially assembled all-strings Sydney Lyric Orchestra.

Academy Award-winning composer Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975), collaborated with Hitchcock in 1960 to produce the soundscape- score for Psycho, which stands today as one of the most dramatic and effective examples of film & music coupling. The noted American composer, who worked on many of Hitchcock’s motion pictures including Vertigo, The Trouble With Harry and The Birds, is recognised for his keen awareness of the effect that music plays in film. There can be no better example of this than Psycho’s infamous shower scene – which Hitchcock had originally planned to leave unscored, but after hearing Herrmann’s composition agreed.

Unique among Hollywood films, the score of Psycho was written by Herrmann solely for string instruments, enabling him to achieve the brilliant sound the film is renowned for. With Concert Master, Adrian Keating – the Principal Violinist for the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra – ably leading the Orchestra, the live musical soundtrack will drive the drama of an engrossing story as never before! Psycho at the Opera House will be a feast for the senses. Conductor, Nic Buc, explains- “the sound of Bernard Herrmann’s music with its piercing strings underlying every jab of violence really is one-of-a-kind and well ahead of its era, and truly creates the excitement, tension and fear”.

Kick off the New Year with a scream and book your place in the shower scene!

VENUE: Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House DATES: January 5th 2010 (Tuesday) DURATION: 109 Minutes BOOKINGS: P +61 2 9250 7777; E: bookings@sydneyoperahouse.com W: http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/whatson/psycho_with_orchestra.aspx