08 PM | 09 Aug

Elaine Whittaker a #porous #world [#geekgirl] #bioart


We live in a porous world, inside porous bodies. The possibility of being breached, infected, and losing body integrity is always present. Whittaker’s artworks explore this unavoidable fear by portraying the invisible world of teeming microbial life as luminous beauty but with the terrifying possibility of infection. Considering biology as the basis for her art practice, she integrates elements of scientific methods and technologies in her artworks, creating installations of sculpture, photo-based images, sound and paintings. Situated in the realm of Bioart, her artworks challenge viewers’ perceptions about their bodies, as sites that are continually trespassed, tainted, and contaminated by a popular culture that escalates the social anxiety and terror of microbes, thereby fuelling a sense of #bioparanoia.

Source: Interview and Full Article