11 PM | 31 Oct

Entheogenesis Australis is just around the bend

6-9 November 2009 Swanpool, Victoria http://www.entheo.net/

Bear Owsley will be speaking: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owsley_Stanley

The Entheogenesis Australis 2009 Conference aims to address the issues relating to drug use/misuse from social, cultural and historical/traditional perspectives. EGA speakers will draw on the backgrounds of physiology, biology, pharmacology, psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, botany and more to provide a more realistic context to the role drugs and altered states play in the modern world.

If you’ve ever asked yourself “has the ‘War on Drugs’ created more problems than it tried to solve?” or “is MDMA really a more dangerous drug than alcohol?” – then EGA is for you.

Entheogenesis Australis is a collection of thinkers from all walks of life, we come together to share knowledge about sacred plants, chemical alchemy and states of consciousness.