07 AM | 02 Sep

A Real House Built Entirely from LEGO

Now I’ve heard of some kerazzy geek schemes in my time, but building an *entire* house out of LEGO seems to take the nerd-cake. Don’t get me wrong, the complete brilliance of the concept itself is staggering, but the actual execution seems….ridiculously ambitious?:

“This two-story Lego palace, which resides in the middle of a vineyard, sports a working bathroom, and is covered inside and out with bricks pieced together by 272 Legos. Over three million bricks were used to build the Lego pad, so doing some quick math here — that’s over 816 million Lego pieces! Sheesh. I wonder what they’ll do with the Legos once James moves out?”

Check out the Lego House Photos at geeksugar.

09 AM | 12 Feb

Australian Bushfire Housing new site launched

Bushfire Housing an online tool to facilitate the pairing of those that are homeless due to the Australian bushfires with those that have room in their house, a vacant rental, newly purchased investment property or holiday home they wish to offer as temporary accomodation.”

Australian bushfires have left thousands of families in Victoria and New South Wales homeless. We aim to help by matching people in urgent need of shelter with others within their communities and surrounding regions who are able to offer emergency accommodation during this time of crisis.