01 PM | 12 Sep

#Oscillator Open Call :: #Science Gallery at Trinity College #Dublin #Ireland #feedback #geekgirl

Call closes 12 October 2012 for Exhibition 7 February – 14 April 2013

OSCILLATOR is a curated exhibition exploring the vibrant vibratory world of oscillators, oscillations, and feedback. This diverse, interactive show will feature installations and demonstrations ranging from cyclical chemical reactions and swinging bridges to out of control automated pricing schemes and el Niño. Science Gallery is calling for proposals from electron wizards, mega-nano-nauts, chemical visionaries, code infinitizers, pendular kineticists, sleep cycle sleuths, and feedback fetishists interested in oscillatory explorations from many different fields and genres, including chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, biology, mechanics, neurology, mathematics, logic, and the arts. Register your  interest on the Science Gallery Open Call website. http://sciencegallery.com/oscillator