04 PM | 28 Jan

Deadly Funny – An #Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Comedy Competition

Get ready to laugh your MOOM off with Deadly Funny – An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Comedy Competition that celebrates distinctive humour of the First Nations Traditional Owners.

From now until March, 2010 the Melbourne International Comedy Festival is sending some of its finest comedians to ATSI communities to hold free workshops and community showcase gigs with emerging performers in search of the best up-and-coming stand-up talent.

Deadly Funny provides a unique opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to come together, celebrate and share humour and have their deadly yarns workshopped by a professional stand-up comedian. The workshops provide deadly tips and advice on writing, performance and help boost performers’ confidence to get up on stage.

To register, contact Deadly Funny Producer Jason Tamiru (Yorta Yorta) info below. For the workshops bring along five minutes of your best comic material. Pretty much anything is ok – stand-up, a music piece, joke or a funny yarn – as long as it’s Deadly Funny. You must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander to enter.

The deadliest jokesters from all six states will play off at the Deadly Funny National Grand Final in Melbourne April 10 for their chance to win $2000 in cash and a deadly trophy.

Note: You must attend comedy workshops

Details of National workshops and to register at www.deadlyfunny.com.au

Or contact Jason Tamiru on 03 9245 3700.