06 PM | 04 Aug

No Morals Morrison Attacks the UN Refugee Convention [#geekgirl] [#wtf]

[Image Credit: SBS]

[Image Credit: SBS]

[From this SBS article] “Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has launched an attack on the UN Refugee Convention, saying it was being used to defend “death voyages”… Lawyers for…157 asylum seekers say the group were told they would be forced to go to India in three orange lifeboats, which they would be taught to use.

Human Rights Law Centre Executive Director Hugh de Kretser told media on Monday that the group were “absolutely terrified” over the incident, which reportedly happened around mid-June.

“Australian government officers on board the customs vessel told the group they would be forced to go to India in three orange lifeboats dropped in the ocean somewhere off the coast of India,” he said.

Mr de Kretser said he had been told that nine adults and two children were taken away from the rest of the group on July 14, when they were shown the lifeboats and told they would be put in them.

He said all instructions were given in English, which none of the asylum seekers are fluent in. Only a handful speak poor English.

“Whatever your personal views are on politics and refugee policy, this move was an affront to human decency,” he said.

Mr de Kretser also said the group were only allowed to change their clothes 11 days after being brought onto the Customs vessel, where they were kept in three windowless rooms 22 hours a day.”