07 AM | 29 May

“Instagram is reviving adventure, face to face community and real relationships.” [#geekgirl]

Instagram Is from technopaul productions on Vimeo.

In a culture immersed in technology, Instagram is reviving adventure, face to face community and real relationships. How can something so digital get people out from behind their devices and into the analog world?

In association with technopaul productions Directed by Paul Tellefsen Featuring Kyle Steed, Brenton Little, & Allison Anderson Cinematography by Paul Tellefsen Original Score written and performed by Tyler Linahan Intro Score written and performed by Chase Burnett Created with the help of the Instagram community.



12 PM | 19 Feb

New Livewire online community connects young Australians living with serious illness

Livewire, a new online community that is the first of its kind in Australia for Aussies between 10 and 21 living with serious illness or disability. It is a free service designed to provide a safe and supportive online community to connect children and young people living with these health conditions.

An estimated 450,000¹ young Australians aged between 10 and 21 are currently living with a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability.

Livewire aims to have a significant impact on the social and emotional wellbeing of its members, to help relieve stress and anxiety, alleviate boredom and to help empower them to develop new life skills and make new friends.

Find out more information should visit www.livewire.org.au or contact member.services@livewire.org.au