06 PM | 27 Sep

about #supersurrealism #memes and a great photo of jennifer walshe [#geekgirl]


“But the Internet, with its swift proliferation of memes, is producing more extreme forms of modernism than modernism ever dreamed of….this type of content is about the quantity of language that surrounds us, and about how difficult it is to render meaning from such excesses…These ways of writing—word processing, databasing, recycling, appropriating, intentionally plagiarizing, identity ciphering, and intensive programming, to name just a few—have traditionally been considered outside the scope of literary practice…..We don’t read: we skim, parse, bookmark, copy, paste, and forward. We become information hoarders and amateur archivists who frantically collect, store, and move artifacts that we’ll never interact with.” Kenneth Goldsmith “The Writer as Meme Machine”

GG note: I missed the shows, but she got my attention. #gojen

Source: Liquid Architecture