06 PM | 16 Aug

Wendy Carlos, Krzysztof Penderecki – The Shining, De Natura Sonoris: #moog #video [#geekgirl]

In 1968, Wendy Carlos took a Moog synthesizer, an unknown instrument at the time, and electronically reconstructed Johann Sebastian Bach’s six “Brandenburg Concertos” into the first ever platinum-selling classical album, “Switched on Bach.” The album became the most influential “electronic” classical recording of all time, smashing the borders between classical and synthesized music. It won her three Grammys and sent a message to the world that a synthesizer was a musical instrument, rather than just an obscure machine used by professors in labs to make weird robot sounds.


Carlos was also born a biological man (né Walter Carlos), and started transitioning in 1968, but continued to publicly perform and present as a man for more than a decade. She finally came out as a transgender woman in a 1979 Playboy interview, picking Playboy because, “the magazine has always been concerned with liberation, and I’m anxious to liberate myself.”

Original source: THUMP with video of J.S Bach’s switched on #Video.


04 PM | 11 Mar

Melbourne Queer Film Festival #Melbourne

========== **Thursday March 18 to Sunday March 28** Astor Theatre, ACMI Cinemas, Greater Union Cinemas Russell St & Loop Melbourne, Australia

[www.mqff.com.au](http://www.mqff.com.au/)          The 20th Melbourne Queer Film Festival features the best in queer cinema from Australia and around the world. Highlights include features, documentaries and shorts programs, along with panel discussions dealing with issues relevant to the queer community. As Melbourne’s second largest film festival this year’s program is overflowing with outstanding films from around the world.