09 PM | 09 Jan

Pierre Joseph Proudhon’s basic ideas

Proudhon is most famous for his hypothesis that Property is theft. He was a social individualist anarchist, see the economic-political map at http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html. IIFOR’s precisation of Proudhon’s property vs possession concept is: Anarchies very briefly defined are systems with small rank and income differences, plus efficiency. Any ownership that is compatible with systems with small rank and income differences, plus efficiency, is possession. Possession may be individual or collective, private or public. Any ownership that results in large income differences is capitalist, economical plutarchy. Any ownership that results in large rank differences is statist.” This is property, i.e. not possession. The basic ideas of Proudhon are elaborated in the following quotes.

See link:http://www.anarchy.no/proudhon.html

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