02 PM | 05 Jun

Green Yedda

We hear about global warming and environment issues almost every day. But do you ever pause to reflect on how these issues affect you? Or what you can do to make things better? Here are some asking-worthy questions about these issues on Yedda:

Is pollution affecting the fragrance of flowers? http://yedda.com/questions/environment_8627163141017/?src=nl:13:qb

When do solar panels give you a return on your investment? http://yedda.com/questions/Cost_alternative_energy_environment_1497126197156//?src=nl:13:qb

Are tornadoes connected to global warming? http://yedda.com/questions/tornadoes_weather_global_warming_1499134132356/?src=nl:13:qb

There is still much to be done to make the world a greener place. What do you think? What is the most important thing we should do to help save the environment? http://yedda.com/questions/important_thing_tne_environment_6274416031663/?src=nl:13:qb

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