06 PM | 17 Jul


Mobilehaiku threeshotmovies


TAVERN & FAIR Tavern & Fair will be screening films on Tuesday Nights after 11pm. Anybody/Everybody can participate.

CONDITIONS Ø All films must be shot with a mobile phone camera. Ø They can contain no more than three cuts. The object is to create a sequential narrative in Real Time without montage. The competition is titled: “A MOBILE HAIKU” Ø The films can not be x rated. Ø The films must be betwwen 1 to 3 min playtime. Ø Each film should have a title. Ø Only one film from each participant at any one screening. Ø For the screening to take place there must be at least 10 movies on the night.

Email your footage to claypots@bigpond.net.au by Saturday each week for screening following Tuesday. Subject: Mobile Haiku and clearly state your name and details with your entry.

PRIZE MONEY At the end of each session there will be a winning entry decided by popular audience response. Prize money is $50 For the winning entry. Every three months the week’s winners are screened in a Final. The prize money is $500 to the winning entry.

— Hernan Palacio Managing Director Fiesta Grande Events www.fiestagrandeevents.com www.myspace.com/instituteofpataphysics patanet@gmail.com mobile 0419 105 127 Po Box 1167 Brighton Rd, Elwood Melbourne 3184 VIC

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