07 PM | 23 Aug

The Sushi Economy

A Fish Tale on a Macro Scale: How Sushi Has Changed Globalization (and the World) Over the past two decades, sushi — a familiar, accessible and immensely desirable food that can be found in supermarket aisles and fast food outlets as well as high-end restaurants — has become a staple of cultures around the globe. Indeed, far from signaling the snobbery of those who eat it, sushi today belongs to the masses. Yet sushi also says something important about how wealth, taste and markets interact, according to Sasha Issenberg. In his new book, The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy, Issenberg argues that sushi reveals the “complex dynamics of globalization” and shows, against all odds, that “a virtuous global commerce and food culture can exist.”


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