04 PM | 10 Sep

ADD Art: Firefox extension

Add Art is a Firefox extension in development which replaces advertising images on web pages with art images from a curated database. For many, replacing ads with blank space would be enough. Add Art attempts to do something more interesting than just blocking ads – it turns your browser into an art gallery. Every time you visit a website you’ll also see a spattering of images by a young contemporary artist. The project will be supported by a small website providing information on the current artists and curator, along with a schedule of past and upcoming Add Art shows. Each 2 weeks will showcase 5-8 artists selected by emerging and established curators. Images will have to be cropped to standard banner sizes or can be custom made for the project. Artists can target sites (such as every ad on FoxNews.com) and/or default to any page on the internet with ads. One artist will be shown per page. The curatorial duty will be passed among curators through recommendations, word of mouth, and solicitations to the Add Art site.


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