04 PM | 10 Sep


Part social experiment, game and installation, Emergence is a unique and daring interactive show by Synarcade Audio-Visuals, where audiences are invited to build their ideal human being and watch it come alive. Larger-than-life, real-time and incredibly engaging, Emergence is a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ film combining immersive theatre, live cinema, interactive technology and a giant talking head; where each show culminates in the creation of a unique being. Audiences or ‘Parents’ first meet an embryo in the Emergence ‘Virtual Lab’, where they influence and monitor its development through to the performance outcome. Would-be Parents register for their experiment and can begin making important choices for their embryo in the on-line ‘lab’. The collective decisions made on this website will determine the actual gender and physical traits of the creation that features in the show.

On at the Arts House in North Melbourne from 19 -23 September.


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