09 AM | 24 Sep


The Common Ground Partnership merges fine art, digital technology, and the media to reach a worldwide consumer audience increasingly concerned with Environmental Stewardship and Pollution Prevention. Common Ground gives voice to, and raises revenue for, these artists by selling their environmentally themed digital art, by generating media visibility for our corporate sponsors and by contributing to fundraising efforts of our non-profit partners. Artists from around the world are invited to use the digital art medium to speak to the common issues we all face on this planet, regardless of where we reside or what language we speak or what tribe or nation we identify with. We cannot escape our interconnectedness with regard to the health of planet Earth and its ecosystems. In preparation for an upcoming exhibition of their collection of digital art, Common Ground are looking for compelling imagery that creatively communicates this cross cultural imperative to treat our home – Earth – as the sanctuary that it is for all of us. Submissions close 30 September.


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