12 PM | 18 Oct


Facebook, the latest global social networking craze that has swept the county over the past few months, is becoming the social site of choice, especially when it comes to professionals in the digital industries. Does Facebook offer any value to businesses, or is it stealing employees time? Ultimately, is this a passing fad, like hula hoops and Twitter, or is it the shape of communications and communities in the future? The media recently reported that Facebook could cost employers up to $5 billion a year in productivity. There are more than 1.5 million Australian Facebook users, with reportedly more than 100 Australians joining the phenomenon each hour. Whether you are an active Facebooker, a frustrated employer watching your employees time trickle away, or a brand keen to infiltrate a new market, you are likely to have something to say and something to learn about Facebook. This public debate aims to explore and challenge the various ideas currently being touted in blogs and mainstream media, as well as bring an insight into the plethora of Facebook stories: brands who have worked within the Facebook walls effectively and those who have not.

On at Digital Harbour Theatrette, Innovation Building, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands on Tuesday 30 October, 5.30pm – 7.00pm.


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