01 PM | 29 Oct

FAVSC:Robin Fox

————————————————– F O O T S C R A Y A U D I O – V I S U A L S O C I A L C L U B ————————————————–

Robin Fox Artist Talk

Laser oscilloscope eyelobe exorcism braingasm grows screaming children and trembling pensioners.

Tuesday October 30, 6-8pm Footscray Arts

Robin Fox works in the fields of computer music performance and audio visual diffusion. He has made a series of films for the cathode ray oscilloscope and now performs regularly across Australia and Europe with an audio controlled laser system. Musically, he has released two albums with composer and performer Anthony Pateras (coagulate on synaesthesia and flux compendium on eMego), a solo recording as well as albums with double bass player Clayton Thomas and the band Beta Erko featuring MC Vulk Makedonski.

Fox will present his new project ‘Raum’, which involves the construction of an immersive mirrored room (reflective surfaces facing inward). Laser light is fired onto the mirrored surfaces and manipulated with audio to create ‘standing wave’ situations. Footscray Audio-Visual Social Club presents an intimate evening with this prolific audiovisual innovator.

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