05 PM | 09 Dec


E-Text + Textiles (e-t+t) is a non-profit cultural organization focusing on the generation, distribution, and dissemination of networked knowledge through international Residencies scheme. Residency is based in Riga, the capital of Latvia. It welcomes artists, designers, writers, researchers and theoreticians working within or across the fields of literature and the arts, in particular textiles related. The e-t+t encourages Residents, through a mix of conceptual investigations and material productions, to join in a decades-long project among writers and artists involved in the Alt-X and ebr network. This group has been working consistently, not just to replace one technology with another in literary and arts practices, but also to give direction and cultural context to technological change and the electronic disturbance.

Deadline for the submission of project proposals is 21 December 2007.


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