07 AM | 15 Dec


AFTRS is calling for submissions for the Laboratory for Advanced Media Production (LAMP) Residential Lab VIII. Presented by AFTRS, LAMP residencies are a unique opportunity to evolve your projects for broadband, mobile devices, advanced television, games consoles, multi-user virtual environments and beyond. LAMP is one of the world’s leading emerging media development labs that runs creative hothouse programs designed to get innovative projects off the ground. The upcoming Lab VIII, supported by the New Zealand Screen Council, will be held in Victoria in late February 2008 – and is set to be an intensive experience with teams and mentors working together across a five-day period to produce proof of concept for new media services. Participants will also get the opportunity to present their concepts to industry VIPs on the final day of the residency. Applications for the eighth LAMP Residential Lab are open now and submissions from project teams in all areas of the media industry are welcome. Applications close 10 January 2008.


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