08 AM | 15 Dec

Satellite Art in Bible’s Image

CECIL B. DEMILLE should be proud. A satellite image of the parting of the Red Sea has confirmed that the boiling wall of water he depicted in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments was right on the mark.

Look at the satellite picture and you can see Moses and the Israelites scurrying into the corridor formed by the sea’s bisected waters. The Egyptian army, minutes from obliteration, is just out of shot.

The picture appears to have been plucked directly from Google Earth. It’s a fake, of course, part of a project called God’s Eye View created by the Glue Society, the Sydney art and design collective whose melted ice-cream van won the People’s Choice Award at last year’s Sculpture By The Sea. The other pictures in the set show the crucifixion, Noah’s Ark and the Garden of Eden.


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