09 AM | 17 Dec

LinuxChix miniconf

The LinuxChix miniconf is now able to announce our final schedule. Our one day programme will feature the following presentations:

* “Heroes”, presented by Pia Waugh * “So you want to be a sysadmin” presented by Joh Clarke * “Not-common-enough code optimisations” presented by Jacinta Richardson * “Memcache, keeping data in the handiest place: memory”, presented by Brenda Wallace * “Who’s Behind Wikipedia?”, presented by Brianna Laugher * “From behind the monitor: Communication challenges in open source projects”, presented by Adaora Oniya * “Community work, adult education, computer recycling/refurbishing all using Linux”, presented by Robyn Manning and Kylie Willison * “What does a community manager do?” presented by Stormy Peters

Please join us on Tuesday January 29 2008 at linux.conf.au at the University of Melbourne for the LinuxChix miniconf; open to all linux.conf.au attendees. Schedule and Location The miniconf will be held on Tuesday January 29 2008 at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, as part of the annual Australiasian linux.conf.au conference, and will feature talks by nine women on topics ranging from programming techniques to community management.

See http://conf.au.linuxchix.org/ for more about the miniconf http://conf.au.linuxchix.org/schedule/ for full details of the schedule.

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