09 AM | 20 Jan

Hype, Interrupted: The Most Anticipated Films of 2008

Great article by Bill Gibron on the anticipated block-busters of 08. Of course, particular interest is on Wall-E (robot content) any other trashy hype Hollywood throws at us! You gotta ask yourself, why we want more…


That just leaves Pixar to pick up the pieces. The already overhyped Wall-E (27 June) has been stunning preview audiences with its 3D look at a lonely robot, and the alien visitors who suddenly soar into his life. This heavily guarded project, proposed long ago by the creative minds behind Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and Cars, promises to be the movie of 2008. The geeks have already crowned it a must-see masterpiece without ever viewing a single fully realized frame, and with limited family friendly options coming to the marketplace during the season, this could be the biggest hit of the year as well.


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