10 AM | 28 Jan

Pip Starr:RIP

It’s hard to write about someone you don’t know. I didn’t know Pip Starr, who took his own life on January 24, 2008. He was close to some of my friends – all of whom are devastated by his suicide. It’s easy to say he was obviously depressed and plagued by the troubles of the world. But, looking at Pip’s own words he was obviously a complex person with multiple layers of perception and appreciation for duality and ambivalence.

“While recognizing that there are things about the world that we would do well to change, I also appreciate that the world is a magnificent and beautiful place that must be celebrated, loved and enjoyed.”

Pip was a well-known Melbourne activist and film maker, adored by his friends and family; and his loss has come as a terrible blow and tragedy. I am sure that Pip’s legacy will be his films which probably reflect and portray the mashup of emotions he personally felt about the crush of globalisation and the sense of disempowerment we sometimes all feel.

Perhaps Pip was just having a bad day, no one will ever really know – suicide is so senseless & selfish – to those who are left behind. I suspect suicide to Pip was a way of controlling his own destiny and although that decision should be respected it’s a tragedy that is also shocking & unacceptable to those who loved him.

A funeral will be held Tuesday, January 29th, 2008 in Melbourne to celebrate his life and work. There have been a number of tributes to Pip, and quite rightly so.

Some of his documentaries can be found here: http://web.mac.com/pipstarr/starr.tv/starr.tv.html


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  • Amerigo

    Pip will be badly missed by all of us who knew him.

    January 30, 2008 4:05 am
  • pierce

    It been a while since I was last behind the lens – at 31 and Bent TV – but when I was I will always remember Pip for his determination and vision.

    So Long…

    February 5, 2008 2:49 am