08 AM | 17 Feb

One Laptop per Child

If you want to keep abreast of developments in Australia, wander on over to http://www.olpc.org.au and for more infomation about the project itself, there is http://www.laptop.org and http://wiki.laptop.org

The OLPC runs a modified Fedora, with a Python based window manager called Sugar. It has a 1 gig Flash drive, a built in camera and splash proof keyboard, built in speaker too! Built in wifi as well. And it’s green. And white. It looks very iPoddy, actually.

It uses a LiFe battery, giving it 4 1/2 hours life, without any power management. It doesn’t last as long reading a book as say, the eMate, but it’s not bad as laptops go!

Fellas mightn’t be as adapted to the keyboard, but slender handed ladies may well have the advantage. πŸ™‚

* The One Laptop Per Child initiative, a charity which is attempting to create and distribute educational laptops to disadvantaged children, is on its way to Australia. OLPC Australia was unveiled at the Linux.conf.au open source conference in Melbourne in February, 2008.

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