11 AM | 24 Mar


The fifth biennial for computer based and technological art, Malmö Konsthall

Electrohype 2008 will be the fifth biennial for computer-based art in Sweden. Electrohype is pleased to announce this call for entries for the exhibition that will be a follow up to the previous large Electrohype exhibitions in 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006.

The exhibition will for the second time take place at Malmö Konsthall (also 2004). The duration of the biennial will be from mid November 2008 to beginning of January 2009. Malmö Konsthall was opened in 1975 and is one Europe’s largest and most flexible exhibition halls for contemporary art. The annual number of visitors are approximately 200,000. The exhibition will present works by 5 – 8 artists or artist groups. To give the exhibition a broad perspective we are looking for Nordic as well as international artists.

Important dates * Deadline for this call for entries April 18th 2008 * Exhibition opening mid November 2008 * Exhibition closing beginning of January 2009 * Exact date will soon be announced.

What kind of art are we looking for? Electrohype has since the start in 1999 focused on what we choose to call computer based art. Art that runs of computers and utilizes the capacity of the computer to mix various media, allow interaction with the audience, or machines interacting with each others etc. in other words art that can not be transferred to “traditional” linear media. This might seem as a narrow approach but we have discovered that it gives us a better focus on a genre that in no way is narrow. We are not looking for “straight” video art (even if it is edited on a computer) or still images rendered on computers and other material that refers to more “traditional” media forms. Forms were the traditional tools have been replaced with computers and software.

Curators for the biennial are Anna Kindvall and Lars Gustav Midbøe.


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