12 PM | 04 Apr

e-toy puts out:art

INVITATION “Synthetic Times: Media Art Now” NEW YORK: April 14, 7pm, Titus 2 Theater, the Museum of Modern Art, New York and April 15 at Tishman Auditorium, New School University New York plus evening event at EYEBEAM.

A conference in preparation for “Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008” held at the National Art Museum of China in June 2008. Speakers include: Barbara London, Zhang Ga, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Arthur Kroker, Jordan Crandall, Erkki Huhtamo, Mariana Rodon, Miao Xiaochuan, Sissel Tolaas, Luc Courchesne, etoy.ZAI and many others.

INFO http://www.mediartchina.org/events/newyorkmoma


INVITATION discussion “Doing business with the Chinese government?” Saturday April 19 (2PM-6PM) at etoy.IMPLANT / Zurich. Background: As announced etoy is invited to participate in a show at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing in June 2008 (exhibition website: http://www.mediartchina.org/). Several agents consider to make use of the etoy.VETO to block the participation. The management invited guests who will explain the “Tibet/China problem” and hopes to find creative approaches to support the open minds in China.


INVITATION to the GM of etoy.CORPORATION SA: Saturday, May 24 (2PM-4PM). All registered shareholders are called to attend the annual meeting or to appoint a representative (other etoy.SHAREHOLDER). Venue: the new etoy.IMPLANT in Zurich/Switzerland. The official invitation to shareholders follows.


kisses from your etoy.AGENTS

http://www.etoy.com etoy.IMPLANTAT Raeffelstrasse 32 CH 8045 Zurich

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