12 PM | 27 Apr

An ode to books

LONDON – Books, for most mortals, are in paper (even though it is being announced they will be in liquid cristals in a near future). Artists pay no attention to these conventions. They believe books can be in ceramics (we saw that with Alechinsky), in steel or in bronze (the Open Secret by Anthony Caro) or in lead and cardboard. A monumental creation by Anselm Kiefer, The secret life of plants opens the exhibition the Victoria & Albert dedicates to artists’ books over the last one hundred years. We will of course see the best known creations in this genre, among them Jazz by Matisse, next to disquieting creations such as Ode à ma mère by Louise Bourgeois or Wound by Anish Kapoor, a parable on the freedom of expression, where a book is injured by a laser beam. Hirst and Koons, the stars of the moment, will be present but we will also see works by Balthus, Buren, Motherwell or Martin Parr among the sixty pieces exhibited.

  • Blood on Paper at the Victoria & Albert Museum, until 29 June 2008

The website of the V & A Museum

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