12 PM | 27 Apr

Ten years of Japanese architecture

PARIS – We are quite aware of what stars do when abroad: the Pompidou centre in Metz by Shigeru Ban, the Louvre-Lens by the Sanaa agency or the MoMA in New York by Taniguchi. We know a lot less about what the Japanese architects create at home. The Maison de la culture du Japon presents a panorama of the last ten years, including the domestic aspect of their activity. Through plans and models we discover monumental creations: a convention centre by Fumihiko Maki or the airport of Kuala Lumpur by Kisho Kurokawa. But thera are also small interventions – a room, a tomb, a tea house in the trees by Terunobu Fujimori – to which the Japanese specialists undoubtedly pay more attention than their foreign colleagues. Beyond the museums, that ensure the grater part of international renown, the exhibition also focuses on other «cycles»: the city (offices, boutiques), life (schools, hospitals , stadiums) and housing.

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