10 AM | 25 May

Get the family dog cloned

rruh rruh rruh: “Some of you may have seen ‘The 6th Day,’ the movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger a few years back. If you recall there was a ‘re-pet’ cloning service to get your dog back if you ever lost them.

Enter ‘Best Friends Again’: ‘A US biotech company on Wednesday announced it will auction off the right for five dog owners to have their furry best friend cloned, with bidding starting at 100,000 dollars. “BioArts International … will sell five dog cloning service slots to the general public via a worldwide online auction,” the California-based biotech start-up said in a statement.'”

The Best Friends Again program, sponsored by BioArts International, is a limited commercial dog cloning program. BioArts is the only entity in the world with both the know-how and the legal right to practice commercial dog and cat cloning. We are auctioning off 5 dog cloning service slots to the general public. We may or may not perform any additional commercial dog cloning services after this auction.

As many people are aware, dogs are arguably the most difficult mammal to clone. Due to the challenges unique to dog cloning, we can only offer a limited number of dog cloning service slots. With a very limited supply and a very large demand for this service, we have decided that an online auction is the fairest way to offer this special opportunity to the public.

Registration for the auction begins on May 21st. We will hold a separate online auction for each of the 5 cloning service spots. Your one-time registration entitles you to participate in any or all of the auctions. The first auction starts on June 18th at 6:00am PST and runs for 24 hours.

More:… http://science.slashdot.org/science/08/05/22/0238224.shtml http://www.bestfriendsagain.com/

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