04 PM | 27 May

Flash mob Newcastle : Rising Tide

Flash mob: “a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse.” (Wikipedia)

Check out this flash mob in the UK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwMj3PJDxuo

Flash mobs have been popular in cities all around the world, and this flash mob is happening a few days before one in Sydney (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=19364101135).

Our message is “Freeze Emissions Growth” – if we can get it right before Copenhagen in November 2009, then we still have a chance of avoiding runaway climate change!


We will all meet together in Pacific Park (near the Joy Cummings Centre) on Saturday June 21 at 12:00, and agree on a location to do the flash mob. At 12:30 we should all be in the agreed location. At 12:40 we all freeze in interesting and unusual poses. At 12:45 we all unfreeze and head off. Anybody who wants to can meet up at Pacific park at 1pm.

Feel free to bring banners saying “Freeze Emissions Growth” or something similar, or bring flyers, t-shirts etc. Make sure that the banners don’t compromise your freeze!

If we plan this well we could get at least 1,000 people there!

If you get invited to this event please invite all of your friends, and pass the message on by Facebook, email, mobile phone etc.

If you find this event inspiring check out the Camp for Climate Action at http://www.climatecamp.org.au/

Rising Tide Type: Meetings – Club/Group Meeting Time and Place Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008 Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm Location: Pacific Park (and then a secret location) Street: Scott Street City/Town: Newcastle, Australia

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