10 PM | 14 Jun

‘Don’t Shop’ Zine exhibition

The Don’t Look 2203 Collective presents ‘Don’t Shop’.

This exhibition will showcase some of the great ZINES that are being made by individuals and collectives around Sydney (for the uninitiated, Wikipedia describes a zine as “a small circulation, non-commercial publication of original or appropriated texts and images”. They are generally fiercely independent and an antidote to the mind-numbing mass media).

More than that though, these zines will come alive spreading into the gallery via graph art, video projections, sound and other mediums. Come and have a look at the exhibition and take away a zine in the process (some are *free* while most just charge to recover printing costs).

WHO: Zine artists and the Don’t Look 2203 Collective WHEN: Opening:  June 6-21, 2008 WHERE:  Don’t Look 2203, 419 New Canterbury Rd, Dulwich Hill, Sydney (a block back from the corner of New Canterbury Rd and Marrickville Rd) CONTACT: Phone: Matt on 0404 654 757, Email: dontlookgallery@gmail.com ENTRY: Gold coin donation to assist with costs

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