02 PM | 13 Jul

They Die and they Diet

Read Regina Marler’s New York Times review of Zombie books for teenagers.

“Buried in the passing scenery of this summer’s two teenager zombie novels are descriptions of a zombie bag lunch. Carrot sticks, mostly — in both novels — with a little yogurt or fruit on the side. Like adolescent girls across America, zombies seem susceptible to eating disorders — and not just in their taste for human brains. In Daniel Waters’s first novel, “Generation Dead,” the carrot sticks are a gateway food: the zombie girl who gnaws them wants to feel alive again. But the carrots in Brian James’s “Zombie Blondes” are instruments of oppression. The popular girls at Maplecrest High will never accept a newcomer, Hannah Sanders, until she conforms to their dress code, their hair color and their joyless low-cal lunches”.



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