04 PM | 28 Jul

Mu-mesons August Program Picks

Friday 1st August Nomi Song Cult figure on the new wave scene during the 80’s Klaus Nomi managed to perfectly marry disparate worlds such as rock, pop, opera, and performance art. He lit-up the underground with his bizarre and freakish appearance, and had a penchant for twisting his counter tenor vocals around a hook-laden pop song. Director Andrew Horn draws on a mixture of vintage footage and celebrity testimonials to flesh out Nomi’s tale, offering a moving portrait of an artist who strived for originality, and was cruelly plucked from the world just as his dreams of bursting into the mainstream looked set to be fulfilled. Mu-Meson Archives Doors 7.30 for 8pm start $10 with supper.

Sunday 17th August Miss Deaths Knitting Group Do you want to learn how to knit, crochet and any other craft? Or you just want to come along for a social? For the new ladies who are coming for the first time bring a friend. Boys are welcome as long as they do a craft or something useful. Mu-Meson Archives 4pm with a plate.

Mu-Meson Archives at Crn Parramatta Rd & Trafalgar St Annandale, Sydney NSW at the end of King Furniture building up the steel staircase. Phone 02 9517-2010

For More extensive and detailed information please visit Mu-Meson Archives web site http://www.mumeson.org

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