08 PM | 03 Aug

Augmentology Facebook fanpage

Hey, these kids are up to some wicked stuff. You don’t have to be logged in to your FB account to view these.

Ever wanted to voluntarily expose your brain to newness so bright it’ll make it ooze out of your ears? We’ll, if you join up to the new Facebook _Augmentology-1L0L1_ project that’s what you’ll get:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/_Augmentology-1L0L1_/125444933372

The page is chocked full of augmented reality tech vids, pics, obs, and demos. The augmentology project itself is “…a working manual discussing the formation and evolution of synthetic environments” (plus a little brain-stretching thrown in for good measure): http://www.facebook.com/l/;arsvirtuafoundation.org/research/

_Augmentology 1[L]0[L]1_ explores concepts that shape and are shaped by an extensive range of online/synthetic encounters. http://augmentology.com

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