01 PM | 04 Jul

Symposium on #Body, #Art, #Bioethics – #Perth

The Body, Art and Bioethics is a symposium exploring the culture and ethics of the use and ownership of living material, from the cell to the whole body, in art, science, law and philosophy. Speakers include Dr Catherine Waldby (University of Sydney), Elizabeth Costello (writer), Dr Ethan Blue (UWA), Kathy High (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Dr Ionat Zurr (UWA), Dr Stuart Hodgetts (UWA), Oron Catts (Director SymbioticA).

Friday 6 August, 2010. $110 (including GST) registration. Students and unwaged free.

For more info email, sym@symbiotica.uwa.edu.au Or visit, http://www.bodyartbioethics.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/#